Wednesday, December 17, 2008

My Favorite Nephew

Okay, so he's my ONLY nephew, but none the less, he is such a cutie patutie!!! Check out Von in his Coco Bonbons holiday outfit! I squealed when I opened the email my sister sent me with this picture. He is quite possibly the cutest little boy ever. Okay, I'm biased, but you have to agree that he is very squeezable! :-) I'll see him next week and I am very excited about it! In fact, I am looking forward to seeing my whole family. My sisters live in another state so when we get together for the holidays we do a SNO night, or: "Sisters' Night Out." When my brother is in town (he is serving our country in Iraq right now), we have a "Siblings Night Out." I must say we are a very humorous bunch and we laugh until we can't laugh anymore when we are together. I am so glad we all get along and can enjoy spending time together. SNO next week! Woo hoo!


nanja said...

Your nephew is adorable Would just love to kiss those plump little cheeks! My favorite thing has always been my family and soon I will have a little grandaughter for a favorite thing!

Christine said...


He is too cute especially in his snazzy outfit!


Diana of Diana Rambles said...

Very cute & squeezable! Sisters & Siblings Night Out sound AWESOME!

Diana of Diana Rambles said...

You should have posted about the weekend sale. A friend just discovered it and we are shopping! I posted on my hopefully that will drive traffic in!